New to the Episcopal CHurch? Here is some info for you...
In the Episcopal Church, lay members are recognized as a distinct order of ministry, along with the orders of bishops, priests, and deacons. According to the Book of Common Prayer, “…the ministry of lay persons is to represent Christ and his Church; to bear witness to him wherever they may be; and, according to the gifts given them, to carry on Christ’s work of reconciliation in the world; and to take their place in the life, worship, and governance of the Church.” We use the word ‘ministries’ to describe all of the activities we undertake in support of this parish locally and of the world-wide Church.
The following are some of the ministries at St. Stephen’s, and if you’d like more information or would like to get involved, e-mail our secretary, Joan, at and your message will be forwarded.
Acolytes participate in the Sunday liturgies. The Acolytes participate in the services bearing the processional cross or torches, and they assist the Deacon to set the Lord’s Table. There is no age limit: you can be as old as you like! But you do need to be old enough to handle the vessels at the Altar.
Readers, Licensed and Parish: Licensed Readers are lay people who are trained to officiate at certain services, such as Morning and Evening Prayer. Parish Readers are lay people who read Scripture lessons at services. They serve approximately 10 times per year.
Episcopal Church Women: St. Stephen’s has an active chapter of ECW, which is primarily concerned with outreach activities, providing direct services to people in need and mobilizing support for charitable work by the Church. The United Thank Offering and Episcopal Relief and Development are among the organizations supported.
Altar Guild:. The Guild prepares the church for worship and cares for the sacred objects, vessels, and clergy vestments.
Eucharistic Ministers: These are lay people who serve at the Altar, and take Communion to shut-ins or parishioners in hospital. They receive training at St. Stephen’s and are licensed by the Diocese of New Jersey. It is a parish objective to send out at least one Eucharistic Minister every Sunday.
Property and Grounds Committee: Join our group committed to maintaining our beautiful church building and grounds.